2/30: The Greatest Challenge about Product

Although product management has matured significantly over the past few years, where now we have books, courses, voices with authority on the subject, globally speaking there is still a significant amount of confusion and misunderstanding of the role and the function, even among product managers themselves.

We are, in some ways, still in our teens, and what the job is evolving into has much potential to change direction.

When I think of web3, the metaverse, pragmatic AI, or even my current focus area of conversational AI, I see all kinds of possible future product managers. Leah Tharin recently wrote in a post how the job could potentially evolve new specializations or whole new jobs, just like "web designers" became "UX researchers," "frontend engineers," and other disciplines.

In summary, the greatest challenge about product management is its ever-evolving nature and the fact we're still figuring it out.

I mean, that, and dealing with folks who refuse to collaborate with product.


3/30: Top Skillsets for Product Managers